How to Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Pond

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Pond

Enjoying a picnic or celebrating a family member’s birthday beside a peaceful pond is a great way to create cherished memories. Unfortunately, all it takes is a swarm of mosquitoes to turn a good day into a disaster. No one wants to spend an afternoon or evening...
How to Properly Maintain a Pond Aeration System

How to Properly Maintain a Pond Aeration System

Aeration systems work continuously to circulate the water, which helps distribute oxygen evenly throughout the water column. This process is essential for preventing stratification, where water layers separate due to temperature differences, creating oxygen-poor zones...
How Do You Get Rid of Cyanobacteria in a Lake?

How Do You Get Rid of Cyanobacteria in a Lake?

When most people hear the word “algae,” they imagine a dark green, murky pool of water. However, algae can vary greatly in appearance. One particular type of algae, cyanobacteria, often looks as if paint or pea soup was dumped into the water. This deceptive appearance...
The Science Behind Aquatic Planting

The Science Behind Aquatic Planting

Take a stroll by a local pond or lake, and you’ll likely encounter a variety of plants thriving both in and around the water. Nature has a way of populating bodies of water with a diverse range of plants. Some, like water lilies and cattails, add beauty and...